The Miracle in the Black Canyon of the Gunnison

On our way to Utah a week ago we stopped to see my husband's sweet Aunt Delma. She is one of my favorite people in the world.  She is 93 years old, her mind is till sharp, but her body is getting frail.  She is no longer able to live alone and is trying hard to adjust to life in a home with five other "residents" and staff.  The thing she is most sad about is not being able to fix us anything to eat. Her life has been a life of service to others. To be served is hard for her and she is sad.  She loves it when her sister, Viola's, children come and visit!!
She loves to talk about the old days, We had her share the story that Mike's mom shared many times about leaving Trinidad, Colorado when their father died in 1936.  Their Aunt Loretta and Uncle Sidney had a brand new touring car. Delma, Viola, Charles and their mom Dazzle packed their belongings, including food and live chickens. Two mattresses were strapped to the top of the car and off they went go to California.  They had to drive through the very steep Black Canyon of the Gunnison and got stuck in the mud and had to be rescued. They greatly feared careening down the cliff.  They credit the prayers and faith of their mother Dazzle in saving them. Well, Aunt Delma tells the story better than me. We were able to get the story recorded using FamilySearch Memories app (it's free) and the story can be listened to by clicking here.  I love this story and am glad it is recorded for future posterity to hear.


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